Saturday 22 November 2014

Jantar mantar

Jantar mantar

Vedh Shala, Ujjain is India's first observatory . The city of Ujjain is considered the Greenwich of India due to the fact that the first meridian of longitude passes through it. Going by the Indian astronomers, the Tropic of Cancer passes through Ujjain. This observatory was constructed by Savai Raja Jaysingh between 1725 and 1730. Similar observatories were constructed by Maharaja Jai Singh at four other places- Delhi, Jaipur, Mathura and Varanasi.

Samrat yantra, Nadivalaya yantra, Digamsha yantra and Yamyottara-Bhitti yantra are the main instruments constructed in this observatory. Motions and orbits of the planets are studied through these instruments. On the account of this people call it Yantra Mahal as well.This observatory was renovated by Madhav Rao Scindia, then Maharaja of Gwalior state in 1923. Astronomical studies of planetary motions are still conducted in this observatory under the department of education and an Ephemeris (Panchang) is published every year.

In other words, this is the only observatory among the observatories of Maharaja Jai Singh where these masonic instruments are even today utilised for astronomical studies.
Vedh Shala, Ujjain possesses instruments that are used to determine the locations of heavenly bodies for astrological purposes. The other things available in Vedh Shala in Ujjain in India are a small planetarium and a telescope for the purpose of moon-gazing and observing the planets Mars and Jupiter and their satellites. The Vedh Shala in Ujjain in India is a bit smaller than those in Jaipur and Delhi but is quite interesting and very much in use.
The structure of the monument reflects the hard word and superb skill that has gone into making it. Maharaja Jai Singh set up new instruments in these observatories employing his skills. He made alterations in a number of main Astro-mahematical instruments by observing the activities of planets himself for eight years in Ujjain. Thereafter the observatory remained uncared for two decades. Then as per suggestions of Siddhntavagish (Late) Shri Narayanji Vyas, Ganak Churamani and Shri G.S. Apte, the first Superintendent of observatory, Maharaja Madhav Rao Scindia renovated the observatory and funded it for active use.

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