Friday 21 November 2014

Kaliadeh Palace

Kaliadeh Palace

Situated on an island in the river Kshipra, Kaliadeh Palace was built in the year 1458 AD by the Sultans of Mandu. The palace was demolished at the time of the Pindaris and was restored to its former glory by Madhav Rao Scindia in 1920.

The central hall, which is surrounded with galleries, presents a classic example of Persian architecture. Though lost in the loneliness of the torrents of Shipra River, even now, this water palace holds some religious significance. People from the nearby villages took a dip in one of the tanks, which is called as Surya Kund.
Once a hall of fame, this majestic monument holds two Persian inscriptions, which states about the visit of Akbar and Jahangir. The splendid landscape of the curving river on both sides of the Kalideh palace and the man-made tanks and channels, with water murmuring through them, offers a stunning background to the imposing building.
The Kaliadeh Palace is located on the banks of the River Shipra and is the most visited sites of the state of Madhya Pradesh. It is like an isle that is separated by a small stretch of water that makes it look more elegant. This island-like site immediately conjures up the natural beauty of ancient Ujjain which poets down the ages have waxed lyrical. The glorious landscape of the flowing river on both sides of the palace and the man-made tanks and channels, with water gurgling through them, provide a spectacular backdrop to the imposing building.
Kaliadeh palace, as it is lost now in the symphonious solitude of the streams of Shipra, flowing through tanks and channels with frolicsome twists and turns in the serene setting of nature, was once a majestic Sun-temple. Avanti-mahatmya of the Skanda Purana has recorded a description of the Sun-temple, the Surya-kunda and Brahma-kunda. People from nearby villages have their religious bath in one of the tanks known as Surya-kund even today.
Remains of the old temple are seen scattered here and there throughout the area. The flow of Shipra is divided into two parts on the southern side. The stream of Shipra has been made to rush through tanks and channels carved on the western side by arresting it on the eastern side with a barrage. Kaliyadeh palace was shaped in the present form in the 16th century by Nasiruddin Khilji, the sultan of Malwa.
The central dome of the palace is a beautiful example of Persian architecture. Visits of Akbar and Jehangir to this palace are recorded in two Persian inscription found in the long corridor adjacent to the tanks. The palace came under the control of the Scindias during the Maratha period. The Sun-temple has now been restored here by Rajmata Scindia.

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