Sunday 23 November 2014

Sandipani Ashram

Sandipani Ashram

 jai shree mahakal

The fact that ancient Ujjain apart from its political and religious importance, enjoyed the reputation of being a great seat of learning as early as the Mahabharata period is borne out by the fact that, Lord Krishna and Sudama received regular instruction in the ashram of Guru Sandipani. The area near the ashram is known as Ankapata, popularly believed to have been the place used by Lord Krishna for washing his writing tablet. The numerals 1 to 100 found on a stone are believed to have been engraved by Guru Sandipani.

According to Puranic tradition Krishna & his friend Sudama received regular instructions in the Ashram of Kulaguru Sandipani. Besides Mahabharata, the Puranas, Shrimad Bhagavata, Brahma, Agni & Brahmavairaita bear references to the Sandipani Ashram. Archaeological evidence of 3,000 years old painted grey wares has been recovered from this area. These bear a resemblance to the similar remains recovered at Hastinapura, Indraprastha, Mathura & Kausambi. These evidences show that this region is the oldest in the city. Gomati Kund is the old source of water supply to the Ashram & the same has been referred to in the Puranas also.

The image of standing Nandi near the tank is worth seeing and it belongs to the Shunga period. We were told that it is the only temple in India where Nandi is standing as elsewhere Nandi is found sitting. The area nearby is known as Ankapata.

In all Shiv temples the Nag (snake) is invariably wound around the Lingam. In this ashram there is a Shiv temple in which there is a lingam with the Nag crawling by its side.

In the beginning of the 16th century the great Vaishnava saint Shri Vallabhacharya delivered his religious discourses in the vicinity of this ashram. The followers of the Vallabha sect count this place as the 73rd seat of their acharya who is said to have made 84 sittings for religious discourses throughout through out India. We were taken around by Harsh Vyas who belongs to Sandipani Rishi ka vansh.

Insights: Mitras something special about this place, the positive vibrations and feeling of equanimity that we experienced.

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