Thursday 27 November 2014

Jai shree mahakal

महामृत्युंजय जप

 jai shree mahakal
 jai shree mahakal

महामृत्युंजय जप  हर परिस्थिति में नहीं किया जाता बल्कि विशेष रूप से आपदा का सामना करने पर ही भगवान शिव का यह जप किया जाना चाहिए। महामृत्युंजय जप निम्नलिखित परिस्थिति में ही ‍किया जाता है : 

1 - किसी महारोग से कोई पीड़ित होने पर। 

2 - जन्म-कुंडली में गोचर एवं दशा, महादशा, स्थुलदशा आदि में आकस्मिक विपदा का योग होने पर।

3 - जब भाई-भाई अलग हो रहे हो।

4 - गांव/शहर में हैजा-प्लेग या किसी महामारी से निवासी मर रहे हो। 

5 - राजभय होने पर। 

6 - लड़का-लड़की के गुण मिलाप में नाड़ी दोष या षडाष्टक दोष आने पर। 

7 - जब मन धर्म के विपरीत जा रहा हो तब भी महामृत्युंजय जप करने से लाभ मिलता है। 

8 - जब मनुष्यों में आपस में घोर क्लेश हो रहा हो। 

किस स्थिति में कितने जप : 

* किसी प्रकार का महारोग हो या दुस्वप्न आए तो सवा लाख जप कराना चाहिए। 

* यात्रा का भय हो तब एक हजार जप कराना चाहिए। 

* राज-प्राप्ति के लिए, मान-सम्मान व इष्ट सिद्धि के लिए सवा लाख जप कराना चाहिए।

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Sun Dial

Sun Dial

The upper planes of the two walls on the sides of the steps in the middle of this instrument are parallel to the axis of the earth. In the direction of the planes the pole star is visible. To the East and the West of the wall the quarter of a circle is formed in the plane of the Celestial equator on which hours, minutes and a third part of a minute are engaged.

When the Sun shines in the sky, the shadow of the edge of the wall falls on some mark indicating local time of Ujjain be calculating the hour and minutes. By adding minutes to this clear time table given on the east and the west side of the instrument, one knows the Indian Standard Time.
This Instrument is mainly used to find out the declination of any celestial body from the celestial equator towards the north or the south. First find out the particular point on the edge of the quadrant from where the centre of the celestial body could be observed to coincide with the edge of the wall. The reading at this point of the wall gives the declination.

Bhartrihari Gufa (caves)

Bhartrihari Gufa (caves)

These caves are situated just above the bank of the Shipra near the temple of Gadkalika. According to tradition, this is the spot where Bhartrihari, who is said to have been the stepbrother of Vikramaditya meditated after renouncing worldly life. He is believed to have been a great scholar.

Nadi Valve Yantra

Nadi Valve Yantra

This instrument made in the plane of the celestial equator has two – the north and the south parts. When the Sun is in the northern hemisphere for six months, the northern hemisphere disc is illuminated. But when the sun is in the southern hemisphere for the remaining six months, the southern disc is illuminated. The exact time of Ujjain is known by the shadow of the nails fixed parallel to the Earthâs axis in between these two parts.
This instrument is used to ascertain whether a celestial body is in the northern or the southern half. Observe a desired planet straight from a suitable point on the round edge of the northern part. If it is visible, then deem it to be in the northern hemisphere, otherwise it is in the southern one, likewise, information could be had from the southern part.

Tuesday 25 November 2014



Bhasma Aarti is a daily ritual offered to Sri Mahakaleshwar, the main deity of Mahakaleshwara temple, Ujjain at 4am. It is two hour long ritual. Bhasma means "ASH". The Bhasma Aarti is performed using burning dried Cow Dung. During Aarti, chanting of Mantras, Sound and Vibrations within make it a very powerful aarti once in a life time experience. Among 12 Jyothirlingas, the  Mahakaleswara Jyothirlinga is the only Jyothirling where Bhasma Aarti is performed. 

During the Bhasma Aarti no one is allowed to enter into Garbhagriha. Devotees will be allowed to Nandi Hall & Barricades for participating in the Bhasma Aarti. Nandi Hall which is situated outside the Sanctum Santorumm, accommodates 100 people where as 500 devotees could sit near Barricades behind the Nandi Hall. It is the only Jyothirlinga Temple where Aartis are performed 5 times in a day.


  • A valid e-mail ID Address of the main applicant.
  • Scanned Photos of all devotees in the format of Jpg/Jpeg only.
  • Scanned Proof of Identity(Aadhar Card, Bank Passbook, Driving License, Office ID, PAN Card, Valid Passport & Voter Identity Card) of all devotees.


  • Bhasmarti shall be booked in advance of maximum 30 days only.
  • A Maximum of 4 devotees including applicant will be allowed per one Online Bhasmarti Booking Ticket.
  • In case of children Identity Proof of Parent is allowed.
  • If any devotee does not have any type of Photo Identity & proof of Identity, specify his/her relation with Applicant(Ticket will be issued in the name of Applicant)
  • If applicant wants to participate in Bhasmarti, his/her name and details should be entered.
  • No Charge or Fee for Bhasma Aarti. Bhasmarti Seva is absolutely Free of Cost

For Details Visit The Official Website :  Click Here

     * The Registration Of Bhasmaarti Is Done Only By Visitor

Siddhavat Mandir

Siddhavat Mandir

 jai shree mahakal

As there is glory of the Ashayarat in Prayag, Boudhvat in Gaya and Vanshivat in Vrindavan and Panchavata of Nasik just like that Siddhvat is a famous place of pilgrimage in Ujjain. According to tradition, all these trees are immortals & worshipped as Kalpniksha. According to Aramkand of Skandpurana, this tree was planted by Goddess Parvati herself. In diety devil war, the demons emperor Tarkasu was killed by Swami Kartikeya, the son of Lord Shiva. Kartik Swami was appointed as army leader by diety. Under this tree the power by which Swami Kartikeya killed Tarkasu is situated in the middle of Shipra and is known as Shaktibeah Tirth. Thousands of pilgrims take a dip in the Shipra from the bathing ghat built here.

Goddess Parvati made food eaten by Swami Karthikeya. According to history Raja Vikramaditya got Betal Siddhi after doing austerity here. Mahendra, Sangamitra the son & daughter of Raja Ashok after worshipping here traveled long distances – to countries such as Sri Lanka. In the Mughal times, destruction took place in Ujjain like other places in India. At the same time, this tree was cut & closed by 7 round plates but immediately after a great blitz it got free again. It is the characteristic of this pilgrimage that is related with property, children and salvation. 3 main characteristics are-

For the fulfillment of desires the thread (Raksha Sutra) is tied here.
For the desire of child especially an opposite Swastik is made here afterwards the lap is filled by coconut.
For the peace of forefathers (milk is poured to its branches). There is a special importance of Pind Dan here.

The little village of Bhairogarh near Siddhavat was known for dye painting for centuries. In ancient times when trade with other countries flourished, cloth from Bhairogarh found its way to Rome & China.

Insights: I skipped this mandir and we drove towards Mangalnath mandir but wifey Aparna insisted that we return to the place, a wise decision. I was greatly enamored by this open-air temple on the banks of the river Shipra. Something special about the place. To the right of the temple is the Tree where devotees tie red thread. People come from far and wide. We met an old couple from Churu Rajasthan.

Gadhkalika Mandir

Gadhkalika Mandir

 jai shree mahakal

Shri Gadhkalika mandir is traditionally known to be the choice of worship of the greatest poet Kalidasa – the author of Abigyna Shakuntala and chief gem of the court of Raja Vikramaditya. Images and bricks & part of the plinth are of the 1st century B.C. (Shunga period), 4th century A.D. (Gupta period) and 10th century A.D. (Parmar period) were recovered from the basement of the temple. Emperor Harshvardhan got this temple renovated in the 7th century a.d. – there is some indication of its further renovation in the 10th century a.d. under Parma rule. In the 20th century, the traditional priest Shri Siddhanath Maharaj got this temple renovated in Samvat 2001 (1944 A.D.). The temple has been rebuilt in modern times by the erstwhile Gwalior state. A beautiful sculpture of Yakshini belonging to the 4-5th century a.d. was recovered from this place, which is presently displayed at Bharati Kala Bhavan Museum, Ujjain.

Kalidasa Academy

Kalidasa Academy.part 2

 jai shree mahakal

His (kalidas) best-known work is Sakuntala. This play is considered one of the best not only in Sanskrit literature but in the literature of the world. Kalidasa based the play on the story of Sakuntala as found in the Mahabharata, but he has breathed quite a new and vital spirit into it by introducing several slight but effective changes in the original and also by adding new characters and incidents of high dramatic power. Before Sakuntala, Kalidasa had already composed two plays, the Malavikagnimitra and Vikramorvasiya.

Kalidasa’s genius shone with equal brilliance both in drama and in Kavya or poetry. His two Mahakavyas, Raghuvamsa and Kumarambhava and the lyrical poem Meghaduta are universally regarded as gems of Sanskrit poetry. Both in drama and poetry Kalidasa stands not only unsurpassed but even unrivalled”. For more details read volume 3.

Shanku Yantra

Shanku Yantra

A vertical gnomon (Shanku) is fixed at the centre of the circular platform having a horizontal shape. The seven lines drawn according to the shadow of the gnomon indicate the twelve zodiac signs. Among these lines, the 22nd December makes the shortest day, the 21st March and the 23rd September make the days and nights equal, and the 22nd June makes the longest day of the year. With the help of the shadow of the gnomon the angle of elevation and zenith distance of the sun can determined. The Altitude of Ujjain is determined by the mid-day shadow of Shanku Ynatra when the days and nights have equal length.

Kalidasa Academy

Kalidasa Academy .part 1

 jai shree mahakal

This academy was set up in Ujjain by the Government of Madhya Pradesh to immortalize the memory of the great poet dramatist-Kalidasa, and to create a multi-disciplinary institution to project the genius of the entire classical tradition, with Kalidasa as the apex, enable research and study in Sanskrit classical and traditional performing arts, and facilitate its adaptation for contemporary stage in different cultural settings and language groups. The Academy complex consists of a theatre, museum, library, lecture and seminary halls, mini stage for rehearsals, research facilities for scholars, and a large open-air theater.

Quote HCI, “Kalidasa is by common consent the greatest and poet and dramatist that ever in India. Yet curiously enough, we know hardly anything about his life and have no definite knowledge of the time when he flourished. He is said to be one of the nine learned men who graced the court of king Vikramaditya. Most scholars regarded as a historical fact his association with king Vikramaditya of Ujjain, and the deliberate change in the name of the hero of the Vikramorvasiyam from Pururavas to Vikrama lends color to it. Some regard this Vikramaditya as the ruler, who according to well established tradition defeated the Sakas in 58 B.C. and found an era – the well-known Vikrama samvat to commemorate this fact. There are many views on when he existed. The safest course is to hold that Kalidasa

flourished some time between 100 B.C. and 450 A.D.

Monday 24 November 2014

Vikram Kirti Mandir

Vikram Kirti Mandir

Established on the occasion of the second millennium of the Vikram era, as the cultural centre to perpetuate the memory of Vikramaditya, the Vikram Kirti Mandir houses the Scindia Oriental Research Institute, an archaeological museum, an art gallery and an auditorium. The Scindia Oriental Research Institute has an invaluable collection of 18,000 manuscripts on various subjects and runs a reference library of important oriental publications. Rare manuscripts in Prakrit, Arabic, Persian and other Indian languages cover a wide range of subjects from Vedic literature and philosophy to dance and music. Palm leaf and bark leaf (Bhurja Patra) manuscripts are also preserved in this institute. Apart from an illustrated manuscript of Shrimad Bhagavata in which actual gold and silver have been employed for the paintings, the Institute has a rich collection of old paintings in the Rajput and Mughal style. The museum also exhibits a rich array of images, inscriptions, copper plates and fossils discovered in the Narmada valley. A huge skull of a primitive elephant is of special interest. Unfortunately the Mandir was closed for Christmas holiday when we went there.

Vikram University Crest

Vikram University Crest

The Lions, the Rising Sun (which together form the Crest of the Great Vikramaditya) represents the indomitable courage and rising height of wisdom. The book poised lightly on the petals of the lotus signifies the numerous branches of learning. The silhouette of the Temple of Mahakaleshwar symbolizes the sacred culture of the ancient city of Ujjain the seat of this University. The University was established in 1957.

Vikrama Samvat

Vikrama Samvat

 jai shree mahakal

Unlike the Christian calendar which is based on the birth of Jesus the Vikram Samvat calendar is based on the year from which King Vikramaditya established peace & prosperity over Malwa. HCI have dedicated five pages to Samvat in volume 2. According to HCI, “The era might after all have been founded by a foreigner as stated above. But there is no inherent congruity in the belief that king Vikramaditya founded it in 59 B.C. to commemorate his recovery of Ujjayini by defeating the Sakas”.

Insights: Besides the Vikram University the only icon of Vikramaditya in Ujjain was in a bye lane close to Harsiddhi mandir. The sad part is that there is for the common man not enough information about Vikramditya & Kalidasa

both of whom are synonymous with Ujjain in a historic sense. I tried hard but did not find any City sign boards that spoke about them.

Sunday 23 November 2014



 jai shree mahakal

The banks of the Ujjain hold wealth
Sacred sands hiding in veil
Beauty and fortunes lost
In wrinkled time

Water has always been the giver of life
It churns the sea
Torments demons and demigods 
Searching and fighting for its mystery
They scramble, crashing over waves
Knocking down altars and thrones
Nothing is sacred here

But the eastern banks know
The Kshipra River’s wise and patiently laps
Laying down its holy hands, praying 
Upon this sacred soil
The City of Temples

And so the fight goes
Ending victorious
Spilling the only drop of nectar
For immortal life
Lost at the hands of demons and demigods
Fingering their shattered thrones
Unable to see
Earth’s anointing
Giving back 
Death and life
As the Kshipra laughs and laps....

Shiv Tandav Stotra

Shiv Tandav Stotra

 jai shree mahakal

||सार्थशिवताण्डवस्तोत्रम् ||
||श्रीगणेशाय नमः ||
जटा टवी गलज्जल प्रवाह पावितस्थले, गलेऽवलम्ब्य लम्बितां भुजङ्ग तुङ्ग मालिकाम् |
डमड्डमड्डमड्डमन्निनाद वड्डमर्वयं, चकार चण्डताण्डवं तनोतु नः शिवः शिवम् ||१||

जटा कटा हसंभ्रम भ्रमन्निलिम्प निर्झरी, विलो लवी चिवल्लरी विराजमान मूर्धनि |
धगद् धगद् धगज्ज्वलल् ललाट पट्ट पावके किशोर चन्द्र शेखरे रतिः प्रतिक्षणं मम ||२||

धरा धरेन्द्र नंदिनी विलास बन्धु बन्धुरस् फुरद् दिगन्त सन्तति प्रमोद मानमानसे |
कृपा कटाक्ष धोरणी निरुद्ध दुर्धरापदि क्वचिद् दिगम्बरे मनो विनोदमेतु वस्तुनि ||३||

लता भुजङ्ग पिङ्गलस् फुरत्फणा मणिप्रभा कदम्ब कुङ्कुमद्रवप् रलिप्तदिग्व धूमुखे |
मदान्ध सिन्धुरस् फुरत् त्वगुत्तरीयमे दुरे मनो विनोद मद्भुतं बिभर्तु भूतभर्तरि ||४||

सहस्र लोचनप्रभृत्य शेष लेखशेखर प्रसून धूलिधोरणी विधूस राङ्घ्रि पीठभूः |
भुजङ्ग राजमालया निबद्ध जाटजूटक श्रियै चिराय जायतां चकोर बन्धुशेखरः ||५||

ललाट चत्वरज्वलद् धनञ्जयस्फुलिङ्गभा निपीत पञ्चसायकं नमन्निलिम्प नायकम् |
सुधा मयूखले खया विराजमानशेखरं महाकपालिसम्पदे शिरोज टालमस्तु नः ||६||

कराल भाल पट्टिका धगद् धगद् धगज्ज्वल द्धनञ्जयाहुती कृतप्रचण्ड पञ्चसायके |
धरा धरेन्द्र नन्दिनी कुचाग्र चित्रपत्रक प्रकल्प नैक शिल्पिनि त्रिलोचने रतिर्मम |||७||

नवीन मेघ मण्डली निरुद् धदुर् धरस्फुरत्- कुहू निशीथि नीतमः प्रबन्ध बद्ध कन्धरः |
निलिम्प निर्झरी धरस् तनोतु कृत्ति सिन्धुरः कला निधान बन्धुरः श्रियं जगद् धुरंधरः ||८||

प्रफुल्ल नीलपङ्कज प्रपञ्च कालिम प्रभा- वलम्बि कण्ठकन्दली रुचिप्रबद्ध कन्धरम् |
स्मरच्छिदं पुरच्छिदं भवच्छिदं मखच्छिदं गजच्छि दांध कच्छिदं तमंत कच्छिदं भजे ||९||

अखर्व सर्व मङ्गला कला कदंब मञ्जरी रस प्रवाह माधुरी विजृंभणा मधुव्रतम् |
स्मरान्तकं पुरान्तकं भवान्तकं मखान्तकं गजान्त कान्ध कान्त कं तमन्त कान्त कं भजे ||१०||

जयत् वदभ्र विभ्रम भ्रमद् भुजङ्ग मश्वस – द्विनिर्ग मत् क्रमस्फुरत् कराल भाल हव्यवाट् |
धिमिद्धिमिद्धिमिध्वनन्मृदङ्गतुङ्गमङ्गल ध्वनिक्रमप्रवर्तित प्रचण्डताण्डवः शिवः ||११||

स्पृषद्विचित्रतल्पयोर्भुजङ्गमौक्तिकस्रजोर्- – गरिष्ठरत्नलोष्ठयोः सुहृद्विपक्षपक्षयोः |
तृष्णारविन्दचक्षुषोः प्रजामहीमहेन्द्रयोः समप्रवृत्तिकः ( समं प्रवर्तयन्मनः) कदा सदाशिवं भजे ||१२||

कदा निलिम्पनिर्झरीनिकुञ्जकोटरे वसन् विमुक्तदुर्मतिः सदा शिरः स्थमञ्जलिं वहन् |
विमुक्तलोललोचनो ललामभाललग्नकः शिवेति मंत्रमुच्चरन् कदा सुखी भवाम्यहम् ||१३||

इदम् हि नित्यमेवमुक्तमुत्तमोत्तमं स्तवं पठन्स्मरन्ब्रुवन्नरो विशुद्धिमेतिसंततम् |
हरे गुरौ सुभक्तिमाशु याति नान्यथा गतिं विमोहनं हि देहिनां सुशङ्करस्य चिंतनम् ||१४||

पूजा वसान समये दशवक्त्र गीतं यः शंभु पूजन परं पठति प्रदोषे |
तस्य स्थिरां रथगजेन्द्र तुरङ्ग युक्तां लक्ष्मीं सदैव सुमुखिं प्रददाति शंभुः ||१५||

इति श्रीरावण- कृतम् शिव- ताण्डव- स्तोत्रम् सम्पूर्णम्

108 Names Of Baba Mahakal

108 Names Of Baba Mahakal

 jai shree mahakal

  1. शिव - कल्याण स्वरूप
  2. महेश्वर - माया के अधीश्वर
  3. शम्भू - आनंद स्स्वरूप वाले
  4. पिनाकी - पिनाक धनुष धारण करने वाले
  5. शशिशेखर - सिर पर चंद्रमा धारण करने वाले
  6. वामदेव - अत्यंत सुंदर स्वरूप वाले
  7. विरूपाक्ष - भौंडी आँख वाले
  8. कपर्दी - जटाजूट धारण करने वाले
  9. नीललोहित - नीले और लाल रंग वाले
  10. शंकर - सबका कल्याण करने वाले
  11. शूलपाणी - हाथ में त्रिशूल धारण करने वाले
  12. खटवांगी - खटिया का एक पाया रखने वाले
  13. विष्णुवल्लभ - भगवान विष्णु के अतिप्रेमी
  14. शिपिविष्ट - सितुहा में प्रवेश करने वाले
  15. अंबिकानाथ - भगवति के पति
  16. श्रीकण्ठ - सुंदर कण्ठ वाले
  17. भक्तवत्सल - भक्तों को अत्यंत स्नेह करने वाले
  18. भव - संसार के रूप में प्रकट होने वाले
  19. शर्व - कष्टों को नष्ट करने वाले
  20. त्रिलोकेश - तीनों लोकों के स्वामी
  21. शितिकण्ठ - सफेद कण्ठ वाले
  22. शिवाप्रिय - पार्वती के प्रिय
  23. उग्र - अत्यंत उग्र रूप वाले
  24. कपाली - कपाल धारण करने वाले
  25. कामारी - कामदेव के शत्रु
  26. अंधकारसुरसूदन - अंधक दैत्य को मारने वाले
  27. गंगाधर - गंगा जी को धारण करने वाले
  28. ललाटाक्ष - ललाट में आँख वाले
  29. कालकाल - काल के भी काल
  30. कृपानिधि - करूणा की खान
  31. भीम - भयंकर रूप वाले
  32. परशुहस्त - हाथ में फरसा धारण करने वाले
  33. मृगपाणी - हाथ में हिरण धारण करने वाले
  34. जटाधर - जटा रखने वाले
  35. कैलाशवासी - कैलाश के निवासी
  36. कवची - कवच धारण करने वाले
  37. कठोर - अत्यन्त मजबूत देह वाले
  38. त्रिपुरांतक - त्रिपुरासुर को मारने वाले
  39. वृषांक - बैल के चिह्न वाली झंडा वाले
  40. वृषभारूढ़ - बैल की सवारी वाले
  41. भस्मोद्धूलितविग्रह - सारे शरीर में भस्म लगाने वाले
  42. सामप्रिय - सामगान से प्रेम करने वाले
  43. स्वरमयी - सातों स्वरों में निवास करने वाले
  44. त्रयीमूर्ति - वेदरूपी विग्रह करने वाले
  45. अनीश्वर - जिसका और कोई मालिक नहीं है
  46. सर्वज्ञ - सब कुछ जानने वाले
  47. परमात्मा - सबका अपना आपा
  48. सोमसूर्याग्निलोचन - चंद्र, सूर्य और अग्निरूपी आँख वाले
  49. हवि - आहूति रूपी द्रव्य वाले
  50. यज्ञमय - यज्ञस्वरूप वाले
  51. सोम - उमा के सहित रूप वाले
  52. पंचवक्त्र - पांच मुख वाले
  53. सदाशिव - नित्य कल्याण रूप वाले
  54. विश्वेश्वर - सारे विश्व के ईश्वर
  55. वीरभद्र - बहादुर होते हुए भी शांत रूप वाले
  56. गणनाथ - गणों के स्वामी
  57. प्रजापति - प्रजाओं का पालन करने वाले
  58. हिरण्यरेता - स्वर्ण तेज वाले
  59. दुर्धुर्ष - किसी से नहीं दबने वाले
  60. गिरीश - पहाड़ों के मालिक
  61. गिरिश - कैलाश पर्वत पर सोने वाले
  62. अनघ - पापरहित
  63. भुजंगभूषण - साँप के आभूषण वाले
  64. भर्ग - पापों को भूंज देने वाले
  65. गिरिधन्वा - मेरू पर्वत को धनुष बनाने वाले
  66. गिरिप्रिय - पर्वत प्रेमी
  67. कृत्तिवासा - गजचर्म पहनने वाले
  68. पुराराति - पुरों का नाश करने वाले
  69. भगवान् - सर्वसमर्थ षड्ऐश्वर्य संपन्न
  70. प्रमथाधिप - प्रमथगणों के अधिपति
  71. मृत्युंजय - मृत्यु को जीतने वाले
  72. सूक्ष्मतनु - सूक्ष्म शरीर वाले
  73. जगद्व्यापी - जगत् में व्याप्त होकर रहने वाले
  74. जगद्गुरू - जगत् के गुरू
  75. व्योमकेश - आकाश रूपी बाल वाले
  76. महासेनजनक - कार्तिकेय के पिता
  77. चारुविक्रम - सुन्दर पराक्रम वाले
  78. रूद्र - भक्तों के दुख देखकर रोने वाले
  79. भूतपति - भूतप्रेत या पंचभूतों के स्वामी
  80. स्थाणु - स्पंदन रहित कूटस्थ रूप वाले
  81. अहिर्बुध्न्य - कुण्डलिनी को धारण करने वाले
  82. दिगम्बर - नग्न, आकाशरूपी वस्त्र वाले
  83. अष्टमूर्ति - आठ रूप वाले
  84. अनेकात्मा - अनेक रूप धारण करने वाले
  85. सात्त्विक - सत्व गुण वाले
  86. शुद्धविग्रह - शुद्धमूर्ति वाले
  87. शाश्वत - नित्य रहने वाले
  88. खण्डपरशु - टूटा हुआ फरसा धारण करने वाले
  89. अज - जन्म रहित
  90. पाशविमोचन - बंधन से छुड़ाने वाले
  91. मृड - सुखस्वरूप वाले
  92. पशुपति - पशुओं के मालिक
  93. देव - स्वयं प्रकाश रूप
  94. महादेव - देवों के भी देव
  95. अव्यय - खर्च होने पर भी न घटने वाले
  96. हरि - विष्णुस्वरूप
  97. पूषदन्तभित् - पूषा के दांत उखाड़ने वाले
  98. अव्यग्र - कभी भी व्यथित न होने वाले
  99. दक्षाध्वरहर - दक्ष के यज्ञ को नष्ट करने वाले
  100. हर - पापों व तापों को हरने वाले
  101. भगनेत्रभिद् - भग देवता की आंख फोड़ने वाले
  102. अव्यक्त - इंद्रियों के सामने प्रकट न होने वाले
  103. सहस्राक्ष - अनंत आँख वाले
  104. सहस्रपाद - अनंत पैर वाले
  105. अपवर्गप्रद - कैवल्य मोक्ष देने वाले
  106. अनंत - देशकालवस्तुरूपी परिछेद से रहित
  107. तारक - सबको तारने वाला
  108. परमेश्वर - सबसे परे ईश्वर

Chardham Mandir

Chardham Mandir

Founded by Shanti Swarupanandji Maharaj. Since a number of us are unable to do the chardham for a variety of reasons Maharajji made four temples in Ujjain itself so that devotees can take anand (joy) there itself. The char dhams are Jagannath dham (East, Orissa), Dwarkadhish dham (West, Gujarat), Badrinath dham (North, Uttranchal) and Rameshwar dham (South, Tamil Nadu).

Har Siddhi Mandir

Har Siddhi Mandir

 jai shree mahakal

This is one of the prominent temples of Ujjain. The image of goddess Harsiddhi painted with vermilion is located between the images of Mahalaxmi & Mahasaraswati here. Shreeyantra is also located here. According to tradition, this is the real harsiddhi. In tantric tradition, it is regarded as a siddha-peth.

According to Shiv puran, when Lord Shiva was taking the great Sati from the yagna of dakshya Prajapati, the elbow of Sati fell in this place. According to Skand puran, the goddess was called Harsiddhi for killing two demons o Chanda & Prachand. According to folk tradition, harsiddhi is the worshipping goddess of Raja Vikramaditya.

There is a mention of this temple in the books of the 13th century A.D. but present temple is of the Maratha period. An artistic pillar adorns the entrance. The two large columns situated in the courtyard of the temple are Deepswthambs or lamps, symbols of Maratha architecture. Lit during Navaratri they present a glorious spectacle. On one of the columns of the present tank, the year 1447 is subscribed. There are few other temples of gods and goddess on the premises. The Karkoteshwar Mahadev mandir, one of the main temples out of the 84 mahadev is situated in the temple premises. In both the narratives occasions, special worship & celebration are performed here in the month of Chaitra & Ashwin. It is believed that the Goddess of this temple Mataji remains at Koila Dungar temple in Porbander for twelve hours and comes to Ujjain ka temple in the evening during aarti time.

Insights: There is something special about this temple complex. We found the environs very peaceful and rejuvenating. There was some stirring within.

Sandipani Ashram

Sandipani Ashram

 jai shree mahakal

The fact that ancient Ujjain apart from its political and religious importance, enjoyed the reputation of being a great seat of learning as early as the Mahabharata period is borne out by the fact that, Lord Krishna and Sudama received regular instruction in the ashram of Guru Sandipani. The area near the ashram is known as Ankapata, popularly believed to have been the place used by Lord Krishna for washing his writing tablet. The numerals 1 to 100 found on a stone are believed to have been engraved by Guru Sandipani.

According to Puranic tradition Krishna & his friend Sudama received regular instructions in the Ashram of Kulaguru Sandipani. Besides Mahabharata, the Puranas, Shrimad Bhagavata, Brahma, Agni & Brahmavairaita bear references to the Sandipani Ashram. Archaeological evidence of 3,000 years old painted grey wares has been recovered from this area. These bear a resemblance to the similar remains recovered at Hastinapura, Indraprastha, Mathura & Kausambi. These evidences show that this region is the oldest in the city. Gomati Kund is the old source of water supply to the Ashram & the same has been referred to in the Puranas also.

The image of standing Nandi near the tank is worth seeing and it belongs to the Shunga period. We were told that it is the only temple in India where Nandi is standing as elsewhere Nandi is found sitting. The area nearby is known as Ankapata.

In all Shiv temples the Nag (snake) is invariably wound around the Lingam. In this ashram there is a Shiv temple in which there is a lingam with the Nag crawling by its side.

In the beginning of the 16th century the great Vaishnava saint Shri Vallabhacharya delivered his religious discourses in the vicinity of this ashram. The followers of the Vallabha sect count this place as the 73rd seat of their acharya who is said to have made 84 sittings for religious discourses throughout through out India. We were taken around by Harsh Vyas who belongs to Sandipani Rishi ka vansh.

Insights: Mitras something special about this place, the positive vibrations and feeling of equanimity that we experienced.

Mangalnath Mandir

Mangalnath Mandir

 jai shree mahakal

According to Matsya puran, this is the birthplace of Mangalgraha or Mars. Flowing Shipra river presents a very beautiful view in front of the temple. Devotees gather in large numbers esp. on Tuesday. Located on a hillock, this place represents the highest place in the area. In ancient times, the place was famous as it is said to have provided a clear view of Mars – Ujjain was an important center for astronomical studies. This place, traditionally known for its suitability for astronomical readings of mars continues to hold its religious importance. Worship of Lord Shiva is offered at the temple. Karkarekha goes through the center of the Shivalinga at Mangalnath, it is centrally placed.

Insights: This is the only authentic temple in the country for the puja of the Mangal graha which is Mars. As a planet Mars is supposed to make a person very aggressive which could have adverse effects overall if the energy is not channelised in the right manner. For those who have mangaldosh a special puja is performed only at this temple in the country. We witnessed one such Shanti Puja in which the lingam was smeared with kumkum, panchaamrut and later on with cooked rice. Finally the Pandit completed the puja with Shringar of the lingam. We were fortunate to witness the entire process. Even though it was someone else’s puja he explained the entire process to us and got us to experience it firsthand.

Kaal Bhairav

Kaal Bhairav

 jai shree mahakal

Shaivite form of worship has also assigned importance to the adoration of 8 Bhairavas. Kaal Bhairav is the foremost amongst them. Skanda purana has made a mention of the temple of Kaalbhairav in its Avanti Khanda. According to some antique tradition, the followers of Kapalika & Aghora sects used to worship Shiva or Bhairava. Ujjain was also connected with the pattern of worship developed by these sects. People offer liquor as part of the worship. It is said that a certain king named Bhadrasen got this temple constructed; this must have been a great temple during the Parmar period. Images of Shiva, Parvati, Vishnu & Ganesh have been recovered from this place. This temple was rebuilt with the remains of the old temple. Beautiful paintings in Malwa style once decorated the temple walls. The temple to the right of the courtyard is dedicated to Vithala and to the left is a Dharamshala.

Insights: Seeing devotees offer liquor to God can be scary for some not for those who come with bhavna & respect for the Lord. The mandir is situated on what was once a cremation ground. A new cremation ground is situated close to the mandir. The temple Pandit looked a bit different, wifey found him scary but I found him very intuitive.